My $0.02 on Sun's new CEO
I've not updated my blog in ages because I've been really busy recently. But I just had to comment on this one.
If you're a follower of Sun Microsystems (and if you're reading this, it's a pretty safe bet that you are!), you'll know by now that Scott McNealy has stepped down as CEO, handing over the reins to Jonathan Schwartz (Scott will continue to be chairman).
I've not (yet) met Scott, but I've had the pleasure of meeting Jonathan several times. He's a great guy, and I'm sure he'll do well mapping out Sun's future. I have great admiration and respect for both of these guys, and wish them all the best.
I was going to write more, but I think Jonathan says it best: Thank you, Scott, you are a hero to us all. Amen to that.