Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The amusements of being divided by a common language

Being a native Englishman (now living in Canada), the American bastardization of the English language really irritates me at times. But the same language gap provides for much amusement at times.

One of the contenders in the current season of The Apprentice is English. A couple of times during interviews he's said of someone "he's such a wanker!". Given the American TV channels' preponsity for bleeping out swear words and other supposedly offensive things (Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" is a prime example; it's a breast, people! We all have them...), I was surprised that they let this word though unscathed.

Then it occured to me: the censor-dudes don't know what a wanker is. Wanking is a slang word for masturbating, and while it isn't quite up there with the f-word, it's not the sort of word one would hear in polite conversation! Depending on context (as so much slang does), a wanker can either be a term of endearment between friends, or, as presumably intended on The Apprentice, used as a pejorative.

Well, it tickled my funny bone. I guess I need to get out more... :-)


At 12/5/06 18:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear that all the time. "You wanker", that sort of thing. Comes with dating a kiwi :)


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