Tuesday, January 25, 2005

OpenSolaris' first baby steps!

Kudos to my friend and fellow Solaris advocate, Ben Rockwood, for getting the first build of OpenSolaris outside of Sun up and running! Here's the output of his uname -a:

benr@betty ~$ uname -a
SunOS betty 5.10.1 CUDDLISH sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2

He also built OpenSolaris on a 64-bit AMD box.

The nay-sayyers had better start heating up their humble pie, because OpenSolaris is coming to all and sundry, real soon. More details I'm not a liberty to divulge, but as they say, stay tuned...


At 25/1/05 13:24, Blogger Jure "JLP" Repinc said...

Nice. Personaly I can't wait to see how it works on my Athlon 64 box (if it is supported) and how it compares to Gentoo Linux on the same box. I hope Open Solaris will be a success. More comptetition is always great :)

At 27/1/05 08:09, Blogger Phillip Fayers said...

Vasileios asks "Is it so difficult for sun to release a cheap SparcMini?" The answer is a simple yes, at the moment. Sun are, primarily, selling to other businesses and they cover the cheap desktop option with the SunRay terminals.

If Sun wanted to produce something cheaper for the desk it'd probably be a cheaper SunRay (I think they are too expensive for what they are). That business focus also explains why Solaris doesn't have the level of support for things like Firewire which some other OSs have.

I'm not sure what PowerPC port you are refering to as "meaningless" but surely any effort which extends the user base will help to enhance the product. And don't forget that Solaris has run on Power architecture systems before.

At 31/1/05 21:32, Blogger Rich Teer said...

Vasileios Anagnostopoulos says: "Solaris is very good, but it should reduce the prices for Sparcs". How do you get any cheaper than free, Vasileios?

At 2/3/05 05:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad English. I mean that the free OpenSolaris would be accompanied with a cheaper SunBlade-150-Workstation@650MHz for sparc development. Otherwise open source developers (including me) will possibly work on x86. The argument is that although I would like an Opteron from SUN I cannot afford it and I would run solaris on something cheaper(like a sempron). However for sparc there is no alternative. Especially here in Greece the price of the above workstation is outrageous compared to the united states price and converted to euro.I have nothing against sun or solaris (except my overpriced-hardware remarks). I do not want the desktop market drowned only with x86 or ppc. Other players are necessary to ensure quality and freedom. I would like to play with system programming on solaris and I am planning to some driver development for a usb2.0 web-camera with the usbddk.


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