Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bryan Cantrill's trip to Edmonton

On Tuesday night, Bryan Cantrill (DTrace guru and Solaris kernel hacker) arrived in Edmonton, ready to present a Solaris 10 talk the next day. I met with him and two other guys from Sun, and we went out for a burger together. I think we all (certainly three of us did) had these huge 10 Oz fat boy cheeseburgers, as recommended by the doorman at the Westin Hotel, where Bryan was staying. It was a great evening, talking about many things Sun related. We spoke about OpenSolaris, and stuff that I can't repeat due to our "friends NDA" (e.g., some of Sun's future hardware plans), and generally put the world to rights. Then we returned to the Westin for dessert and more talk.

The next day, I and several colleagues from $TELCO attended Bryans Solaris 10 presentation. We weren't the only people there. The room was packed: I'd say around 60 people from various companies were in attendance. Bryan gave an in-depth demo of DTrace, which I found very interesting. Sun also had a prize draw, where they gave away a Solaris logoed leather jacket, and a signed copy of my book. My colleague, Eappan, won the former, so congrats to him!

As seems usual for this type of event, it ended a bit late, so Bryan had to make a quick exit at the end so that he could get to his next commitment on time. He flew out to Calgary that evening, to give the same presentation there.

Many thanks for Bryan for putting his most entertaining talk together, and to Sun's Garry Rasko and Prem Domingo for pay for the whole shebang.


At 30/3/05 14:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Altogether an interesting read, do you know if BryanC's presentation is in an electronic form. BTW: I am reading through your book, it's great so far. (

At 1/4/05 09:11, Blogger Rich Teer said...

Bryan's presentation was in electronic form (PDF, I think), but I don't know if it is available outside Sun. THat said, it didn't contain anything confidential, so I don't see why it couldn't be emailed out. Might be worth dropping him a line.

And many thanks for your kind words about my book!


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